If I forget to use change set for update, how can I merge it to other stream in DNG with Configuration enabled?

Hi Someone who may concern,
I noticed for DNG, if you want to change something and hope it can be merge to other streams with Configuration enabled, you need to use the concept of Change Set.
But my question is, if I forget to create a change set before I want to do some change. How can I merge the change to other stream? Is it possible or not?
Because for users, change something by using change set is not mandatory, so they may forget to do so with their changes. I am wondering how DNG handle this case?
Best Regards,
Jane Zhou
One answer

Depending on the actual configuration, you may not need to create change sets explicitly, as they may be there already. For example, if you create a new stream and start adding artifacts in this new stream, a change set is created automatically. Then, when you try to deliver changes from this new stream to the original stream, you will see this change set. In my opinion, streams are more important than change sets if end users are not really into "configuration management".