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Export test plan to PDF getting stuck in RQM

Prasad Makkena (1716) | asked May 19 '17, 3:14 a.m.

Hi Team,

We are trying to export test plan to pdf in RQM but all the exported jobs getting stuck at 0% after that not showing any status, job got at stuck at 0% only. Could you please let help us on why this issue.

RQM version 6.0.2

Don Yang commented May 22 '17, 5:55 a.m.

did you check qm.log and see if there is any info there?

2 answers

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Michael Triantafelow (4513) | answered Nov 30 '17, 9:22 a.m.

Is this still a problem for you?  Comprehensive jobs for large test plans can take a very long time.  It wouldn't be too odd to be stuck at 0% for a while on a large enough job.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Dec 01 '17, 8:00 a.m.

Considering opening a PMR for your issue (see How to open a PMR (external users)).

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