Is there any easy way to move/copy artifacts from one RDNG project area to another?

Is there any easy way to move/copy artifacts from one RDNG project area to another? I opened two project areas in different browser windows and tried drag n drop but it gives message that this operation is not allowed for different project areas. I dont want to use export/import feature, because its not easy for end users. The scenario we have is that we want to build one reusable asset library in separate project area. From this project area, requirement engineers will search for the required artifacts and will move into their project areas. RDNG version we are using is 6.0.3
Accepted answer

Hello Qaiser,
One way to copy from one project to another, is:
- Open the target project
- Find the folder to which you want to copy artifact(s) that reside in another project
- Select 'Copy from a project' from the drop down of the folder.
Then you can select the project in which the artifacts reside that you want to copy.
If the project is GC enabled it is a bit different. I think in that case you can only select components that are part of the same global configuration top copy from.
One other answer

One addition to my previous answer: If the artifact(s) you copy from source projectA to target projectB have attributes or types that do not exist in projectB, you would first need to make sure these are present in the target project.
You could, for example, import the project properties from the source to the target project.
- You can do this from the target projectB >manage properties (from the admin menu) >Import tab.
An other method to copy artifacts between projects is using ReqIF.