Copy attribute from Project Area to Other Project Area programmatically
We have 2 Project Areas(A,B) sharing Process from different Project Area(C).
We have 2 Workitem types Defect,Story
Usecase 1: With in Same Project Area (A)
I am trying to create New Defect Workitem by copying over some of the fields from existing Defect Workitem.
Works completely fine for Built in and Custom Attributes
Usecase 2:Betweeen Project Areas(A and B)
I am trying to create New Defect Workitem present in PA "B" by copying over some of the fields from existing Defect Workitem present in PA "A".
Getting below error,
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(
Why this is not Possible between Project Areas though they are having Same Process.
Getting workitemtype from ProjectArea A
workItemType = this.workItemService.findWorkItemType(this.projArea, WIConstants.typeIdentifier, null);
Getting identifiers from Workitems in ProjectArea A
WorkItemInit operation =
new WorkItemInit(this.defectObj.getSummaryWI(), this.category,
this.defectObj.getDescriptionWI(), this.defectObj.getSeverity(), this.engIdent, this.engIAtt,
this.dpIdent, this.dpIAttr);
IWorkItemHandle handle =, null);
public class WorkItemInit extends WorkItemOperation {
private final String fSummary;
Identifier<ISeverity> severty;
private final String fDescription;
private final ICategoryHandle fCategory;
private final Identifier engValue;
private final IAttribute attrEng;
private final Identifier dpValue;
private final IAttribute dpAttr;
public WorkItemInit(final String summary, final ICategoryHandle category, final String description,
final Identifier<ISeverity> severity, final Identifier engValue, final IAttribute attrEng,
final Identifier dpValue, final IAttribute dpAttr) {
super("Initializing Work Item");
this.fSummary = summary;
this.fCategory = category;
this.fDescription = description;
this.severty = severity;
// Custom Attribute
this.engValue = engValue;
this.attrEng = attrEng;
this.dpValue = dpValue;
this.dpAttr = dpAttr;
protected void execute(final WorkItemWorkingCopy workingCopy, final IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
IWorkItem workItem = workingCopy.getWorkItem();
// Setting the Identifier and value fetched above to same workitem type in other Project Area and has enumerations same.
workItem.setValue(this.attrEng, this.engValue); // Custom Attribute
Accepted answer
This is no different from using CSV export and import. You basically have to map
- The attribute you read to the attribute you write
- The values you read to the values you write
One other answer
You r error message above does not show anything of value.
I have updated now with Code (Above).
If i understand your above statement though Same Process is used by Project Area A and B.
We should NOT pass Object retrieved from Project A for setting in Field in Project Area B.
Even Workitem type should be fetched from Project Area where we should set the values,
workItemType = this.workItemService.findWorkItemType(this.projArea, WIConstants.typeIdentifier, null);
Then we should take the value set in Workitem of Project Area A and get IAttribute in other Project Area for the same value and use it for setting.
is that right?