Create Workitem automatically via API

Hi Experts,
My project using another web system to tracking defect, and now I have one requirement to create work item automatically and the attribute values are caught from the web system.
Is is possible to create an right-hand button of Work Items, and then design an widget with some steps to fetch and initialize a new work item?
Or can you give other simple solution?
Thanks a lot!
My project using another web system to tracking defect, and now I have one requirement to create work item automatically and the attribute values are caught from the web system.
Is is possible to create an right-hand button of Work Items, and then design an widget with some steps to fetch and initialize a new work item?
Or can you give other simple solution?
Thanks a lot!
2 answers

Check out similar post on

Please see for your questions. The extension point for Menus is a common Eclipse one and you can find a lot of examples if you search for the topic on the internet.

As a side note, if you are just starting as it appears, I would suggest reading
and other posts on my blog.