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Platform for opensocial widget scripts

Laura Illing (234) | asked Apr 20 '17, 5:11 a.m.

Hi everyone,

I was watching a video about Extending DNG with JavaScript (, where the trainer showed some very interesting widgets, which he created.

Before I get into the work of learning how to do all that, I was thinking:
Is there any platform where developers share their widget scripts, which could be loaded into DNG via the opensocial gadget function?
So that I could avoid creating those scripts myself? ;)

Thanks a million!

2 answers

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Tali Rabetti (111820) | answered Apr 20 '17, 6:14 a.m.

I am not aware of such platform, I would love to use it and contribute if there is one.

There are some widget examples that you can download here:

permanent link
Thomas Kirstätter (181719) | answered Aug 31 '17, 3:24 p.m.
edited Aug 31 '17, 3:36 p.m.

In general, widgets and extensions available are mostly adressing RTC at the moment (at least the ones I know...)
well there are some examples of shared content. e.g.
And of cause some examples that are provided via blogs e.g.

We have as well already developed some things,perhaps we will be able to publish that as well some day publicly...

Hey everybody, do you know other examples of shared content? Add them here as comments and answers ... perhaps we get a nice little library! (Or is there another post already?)

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