How to find a custom attribute under a project using RM API
Accepted answer
Hi Ankita,
There is a Javascript API available which allows you to fetch attributes from an artifact. I don't believe there is support for checking the entire project without first referencing an artifact to fetch attributes from.
Thank you. Using RM API I have known how to fetch . Just wanted to know if it was possible without selecting an artifact to check if an attribute to be updated is available before updation code runs.
Not with any public API. You could get the type system for the project as shown below and check for the attribute. Just note this is not a public API and could change/require additional parameters at some point.
https://clmserver/rm/types?resourceContext=https://clmserver/rm/process/project-areas/<project area UUID>&vvc.configuration=https://clmserver/rm/cm/stream/<stream UUID>&accept=*&private=true