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How to create Defect Density report in JRS ?

Krunal Gaoli (671169) | asked Apr 03 '17, 8:50 a.m.

 Hi Team,

I wanted to calculate defect density for my project, I will be using below formula for same:

Defects density= Total number of Defects/ Total number of Test cases

I want to achieve this using Jazz Reporting Servises, has anyone has done this before?

Best Regards.

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Clara Forero (6212) | answered Apr 04 '17, 9:39 a.m.

Hi Krunal,

You would have to use the Advanced SQL option to do this, calculate the totals for Defects, the totals for Test Cases and then combine them together for the final calculation.  If you require further assistance, you may contact IBM Support for guidance.

Kind regards,

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