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Problem setting up cross-server dashboards

John Riendeau (46626) | asked Sep 11 '09, 2:51 p.m.

I'm trying to get cross-server dashboards set up (between two RTC2.0.0.1 RC2 servers), following the instructions at: . After setting up the cross-server communication, I do see the 2nd server in the dropdown at the top of the viewlet chooser. However, when I select it, the following error displays in the viewlet chooser:

Failed to connect to the repository.
Unable to load /jazz/proxy?uri=(other server's hostname)%3A9443%2Fjazz%2Frootservices status:500

...and I get the following error in the 1st server's jazz.log file:

2009-09-11 14:42:50,140 ERROR net.jazz.ajax.service.internal.http.ProxyHandler - HttpException while processing OAuth information:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
WWW-Authenticate:OAuth realm="Jazz%20Team%20Server", oauth_acceptable_timestamps="1252693732257-1252694332257", oauth_problem="timestamp_refused"
Date:Fri, 11 Sep 2009 18:33:52 GMT

I looked through the forums and found a similar issue here: . The issue in that posting solved itself. This, combined with the fact that the error in the log mentions a bad timestamp, makes me think that perhaps this only hits at certain times. Sounds weird, but stranger things have happened, I guess :-)

2 answers

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John Riendeau (46626) | answered Sep 11 '09, 3:04 p.m.
Wow. Sometimes all you need is to see your own words in writing, and the answer hits you in the face.

I logged in to the machines where these two servers are running, to check what they each thought the current time was. Turns out one was running a little slow -- it was about 10 minutes behind. Once I re-set the system's clock to the correct time, the cross-server dashboards started working!

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 14 '09, 3:17 a.m.
this is confirmed in Tech Tip
(check the bottom of the page)

status 500:
This could happen when the date/time setting in the two servers are
largely different. The Jazz server checks whether the setting is between
an allowed scope or it will refuse the cross server request.

1. Double check whether the time setting is within the allowed
difference, 10 minutes is the scope.
2. Correct the setting and reset up the linking.


riendeau a crit :
Wow. Sometimes all you need is to see your own words in writing, and
the answer hits you in the face.

I logged in to the machines where these two servers are running, to
check what they each thought the current time was. Turns out one was
running a little slow -- it was about 10 minutes behind. Once I
re-set the system's clock to the correct time, the cross-server
dashboards started working!

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