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RTC SSL Certificate .p12 file support

Alex Boyko (2644) | asked Mar 28 '13, 7:49 p.m.
I have followed the instructions on setting up RTC 4.0.2 on WAS
Followed the instructions thoroughly.
Tried to login to my CCM server using username and password - it worked
Tried to login to the server using SSL Certificate and got an error dialog that says:

CRJAZ1852E Attempting to login has failed. The encryption key size is unsupported. Check that the appropriate Java security policy files are being used by the client.
  Unable to verify MAC.

I did downloaded the JVM form as the instructions recommended

Any ideas on what might be the problem?


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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered May 21 '13, 1:37 p.m.
The encryption used is probably not supported with WAS. You will need to update the JCE (java Cryptographic extension) policy files.
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