Count total number of artifacts in Report Builder is counting by row
When I add a calculated value column to my Report Builder report and specify to count by a specific attribute I am expecting the results to be a count by attribute. What I am seeing on the report results is a count by row. For example, I have a custom attribute for ClientID (enumeration). I have my report sort by ClientID. I select to Count Total Number of Artifacts, limit count, select clientID. The table format results is a count by row so I have a 1 in every row.
In the graph, I can select to Count Values of a single attribute, select Count All Results in the category and for the Dimension, select ClientID and then see the count by ClientID as expected. That gets me close to the final results of my report but not quite all the way there. I then need to add an additional dimension to the report, retaining the Count by ClientID which is why I was trying to establish that as a calculated value column first.
We are on CLM 6.0.3 iFix002
Please advise.