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How to completely delete a test case?

Marwan Mohammad (1123) | asked Mar 20 '17, 3:30 p.m.

How to completely delete a test case?

2 answers

permanent link
Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 20 '17, 7:06 p.m.

When you delete a test caser, it is moved to the Trash page. Then you need to permanently delete the test case from the Trash view.
Please refer to document

permanent link
Frank McGrath (242162) | answered Mar 21 '17, 9:01 a.m.

 Unfortunately, you cannot completely delete it.  You can delete its content, but a remnant stays behind so that references to the test case are not broken.

Basically, you need to delete it from the Browse Test Case page, which essentially archives, or hides it.  Then you can go to the Trash View and permanently delete the test case.  This will permanently remove all historical states, and delete all content.  Staying within the Trash View, you can see that the test case still remains in a minimal form.  Its ID remains but not much else; it is renamed to DELETED.

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