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Is there any specific edition to work with RQM 4.0?

Milind Modi (634) | asked Jun 23 '14, 7:52 a.m.
edited Jun 23 '14, 8:02 a.m.


I want to fetch the Test Script Details from RQM 4.0 using Rest API but i am not able to do that because response is not getting correctly from RQM 4.0.

So i just want to know that Is there any specific edition to do above stuff?

can you please suggest me if there is any difference between edition in RQM 4.0?


Milind Modi.

2 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jun 23 '14, 8:16 a.m.
When you say “ I am not able to do that because response is not getting correctly from RQM 4.0. “ 
can you be more specific? What is the server returning?
You can get the XML representation of the Test Script by using the REST API; here is an example 


Where clm:9443 is the Host/Port
qm is the context root
LPA+project+1+%28Quality+Management%29 is the Project area
35 is the ID

You can also add  “?etlmode=true” to capture additional xml in the response 

Milind Modi commented Jun 24 '14, 12:22 a.m.

Hi Ara,

I am using following link to get the details of Test Script from RQM 4.0:

But i have not got the proper XML representation of the Test Script by using Rest API.

can you please provide me the Solution?

permanent link
Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jun 24 '14, 7:40 a.m.
Have you included the Request header text/xml or application/xml in your request?
What response data is being returned?

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