Get current user for Calculated Value works in Eclipse, not in browser.
I am using some javascript to update a calculated value. I want to populate a field with the name of the user that resolves a defect.
I have been using -
var current_user = dojo.getObject("");
To do this. I've noticed that this works fine in eclipse and my attribute is correctly assigned. However, when I modify a defect in a browser I then get the value unassigned.
Has anyone else seen this behavior and if so did you manage to fix it?
Donald Nong
Mar 14 '17, 9:11 p.m.Shouldn't this be the other way round? The variable that you use should be available in the Web UI only - note the "web" in its name.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 15 '17, 3:04 a.m.Agreed, that call will only work in the web UI and we have also commented that everywhere on the forum.
Jason Gould
Mar 16 '17, 3:46 a.m.I agree, that this should be web only - that's why I'm confused... I expected to have problems in Eclipse and I'm seeing the opposite. I wondered if anyone else had seen similar.
Donald Nong
Mar 17 '17, 12:01 a.m.No offense, but is it possible that you are looking at the wrong place? That is, the code that you quoted is not that one updating the attribute. If you can still do debugging (assuming not a production), you sure can get more information about it.