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Is there a way to customize the build-in RAM email notification email messages?

Allen Earnest (6212437) | asked Mar 08 '17, 9:34 a.m.

 For example, when a user approves an asset in a lifecycle, RAM will send an email with this subject line:

[Lifecycle] John Doe approved MyImportantAsset ‎[1.0]

This is an automatically generated email that (as far as I know) is completely out of the control of the administrators.

So my question is, can the RAM admins modify the content of this email, specifically the subject line?

Thanks for any help!

One answer

permanent link
Rahul Choudhary (662) | answered Jun 21 '17, 3:50 a.m.

 Hi Allen,

Kindly refer to the below document link to customize email notification sent by RAM.


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