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RDNG Change layout PDF Report creation

Frank Cuijpers (115) | asked Jun 19 '18, 4:28 a.m.


I would like to know if there is a way to change the Report layout/format when you generate a report in RDNG (SaaS JTS 6.0.5)?
The reports which are generated are not nice to read (Big Font size, bad table handling, etc..) or to send to other people (like customers).

Does someone have any experience in this topic?

Thank you!

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Kiran A (31560) | answered Jun 19 '18, 5:43 a.m.

Hello Team,

I am also facing the same, like line alignment in the report and even I would like to know how to change layout, font while generating report in DNG. I have a template which have header and footer with logo , If I generate report how to publish the logos in Header and Footer?


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