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Microsoft Active Directory support

Wagner Arnaut (1162714) | asked Sep 09 '09, 4:20 p.m.
Which Microsoft Active Directory version does RTC 2.0 support?

thanks a lot and best regards.

Wagner Arnaut

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 11 '09, 2:41 a.m.
this information is not available in the TechNote "Detailed System
Requirements for the Jazz Team Server 2.0 server environment"

I opened
to reflect this problem.

In 1.X version,
The following LDAP servers for identity management are supported:

* IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.0
* Microsoft Active Directory 2003 R2


warnaut a crit :
Which Microsoft Active Directory version does RTC 2.0 support?

thanks a lot and best regards.

Wagner Arnaut

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Paul Dessart (31) | answered Feb 10 '10, 9:25 a.m.

Do we know specific settings on configuration that need specific attention when configuring Jazz plaftform/RRC 2.0.x.x with Microsoft Active Directory?

Got a customer who can access his Ad and retrieve all groups and user [ can see this from jazz->admin-> user management login with admin account but get an error 49 when trying to login with his creadentials.

Any idea what can cause this?



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