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DNG 6.0.2: Reading Module requirement using OSLC

Naveen Tyagi (19775152) | asked Feb 23 '17, 2:01 a.m.

 Hi All ,
I tried doing some operations[read/delete/update/create artifacts in module] on DNG module using OSLC/Lyo but didn't make any progress. Is  it really not possible or am i missing something ?

Accepted answer

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Chintan Pania (262) | answered Feb 23 '17, 2:54 a.m.

Hello Naveen,

When you are getting the result on QueryResult, get the data in RequirementCollection class rather than Requirement  class. for eg.,

ClientResponse resp = Client.getResource(uri,OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);

RequirementCollection module = resp.getEntity(RequirementCollection.class);


Chintan Pania

Naveen Tyagi selected this answer as the correct answer

Naveen Tyagi commented Feb 23 '17, 4:11 a.m.

Hi Chintan,
Thanks for you response!!!
For collection i have already implemented all the operations but  but not able to do same for Module like list of requirements in a module. 

Naveen Tyagi commented Feb 23 '17, 5:49 a.m.

I have tried this few times before and was able to get the all artifacts inside a folder: requirement, Collection[Requirements inside] module url but not requirements inside it. This time i tested same code again  and collection code working fine for module as well. God knows what is happening in this world. Thanks :)

One other answer

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Chintan Pania (262) | answered Feb 23 '17, 6:02 a.m.

 Try this snippet,

ClientResponse resp = Client.getResource(uri,
RequirementCollection modulereq = resp
for (URI reqUri : modulereq.getUses()) {
        ClientResponse reqres = AuthClient.getResource(

Requirement Req = reqres.getEntity(Requirement.class); // This will get all requirements under RequirementCollection/Module

Naveen Tyagi commented Mar 02 '17, 7:08 a.m. | edited Mar 02 '17, 7:08 a.m.

 I have implemented the same but i think i was missing something. Thanks 

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