DNG 6.0.2: Reading Module requirement using OSLC
Accepted answer
Hello Naveen,
When you are getting the result on QueryResult, get the data in RequirementCollection class rather than Requirement class. for eg.,
ClientResponse resp = Client.getResource(uri,OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);
RequirementCollection module = resp.getEntity(RequirementCollection.class);
Chintan Pania
Hi Chintan,
Thanks for you response!!!
For collection i have already implemented all the operations but but not able to do same for Module like list of requirements in a module.
I have tried this few times before and was able to get the all artifacts inside a folder: requirement, Collection[Requirements inside] module url but not requirements inside it. This time i tested same code again and collection code working fine for module as well. God knows what is happening in this world. Thanks :)
One other answer
Try this snippet,