What is the API to get usernames and their roles for a given project.

One answer

I recommend Ralph Schoon's Ultimate Jazz blog and in particular this post
I have used the examples in the specific post in many creative ways. For example, our company requires periodic Business Need assessments where each Jazz user is notified of that need and may reply "Not Needed". For that I have scripted weekly jobs that bubble up the membership(s) to the highest level ( I.e. the Project Area ). Another use is within the custom Jazz Access request application to allow users to view their memberships in a given repository showing also their roles as well as all the project administrators and their roles. Another use within that same application is for access administrators to remove users from specific project areas.
I have used the examples in the specific post in many creative ways. For example, our company requires periodic Business Need assessments where each Jazz user is notified of that need and may reply "Not Needed". For that I have scripted weekly jobs that bubble up the membership(s) to the highest level ( I.e. the Project Area ). Another use is within the custom Jazz Access request application to allow users to view their memberships in a given repository showing also their roles as well as all the project administrators and their roles. Another use within that same application is for access administrators to remove users from specific project areas.