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Using APIs, Is it possible to query list of all work items containing change sets delivered on a specific stream?

Sudaraazhi Arivalagan (441828) | asked Feb 20 '17, 1:38 a.m.

Hi All,

Using Plain Java Client APIs, can we query list of work items containing change sets delivered on a specific stream (from a start to an end date)?



Sudaraazhi Arivalagan commented Feb 20 '17, 9:02 a.m.

Anyone can advise please ??

Accepted answer

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joe meagher (6612) | answered Feb 20 '17, 12:02 p.m.

 If you change the ask to "show me work items containing change sets delivered between two snapshots of a stream" instead of start/end dates, then yes.  This is possible from the plain java client API.  I created a prototype of this and published a beta here:

NOTE: the prototype is based on selecting builds which have snapshots, but it could be modified to use snapshot selection directly.



Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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