How to upload a subscribers group on a anomaly item
One answer
No, there are no groups.
This is the only simple approach I am aware of:
But this only creates them when the work item is created and does it for all work item types.
I don't know a way to do that, except creating a Java automation: or using the work item commandline maybe The RTC Work Item Command Line on Bluemix
Donald Nong
Feb 14 '17, 8:11 p.m.It's not clear to me, at least. What are "anomaly item" and "subscribers" that you talked about?
paul toth
Feb 16 '17, 9:10 a.m.Sorry for this unclear description but I'm a new JAZZ user and all commands are In French language.How can I attach a screen copy because I have not enough points to uplaod one?