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"Last Delivery Not Successful Service Timeout" in RTC GitHub integration (RTC 6.02)

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Feb 07 '17, 12:28 p.m.
edited Feb 07 '17, 12:29 p.m.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Feb 07 '17, 10:30 p.m.

 Are you able to access the RTC server from GitHub? Is this GitHub enterprise or the public version? If it's the public version, then you may not be able to access your RTC server unless it's publicly accessible as well.


Ryan McBryde commented Oct 31 '17, 3:31 p.m. | edited Oct 31 '17, 6:00 p.m.


I have the same error coming from my GitHub Enterprise webhook when trying to communicate with my RTC server, both of which are only accessible after connecting to our company VPN.  I don't know for sure but I am assuming that they are behind the same firewall.  I am working on verifying that assumption.  If they are, then do you have any other suggestions?

Thank you

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