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"Date Added" column in RTC change set history view

Marko Tomljenovic (31649109) | asked Oct 14 '14, 4:04 a.m.
In RTC 5.0.1 there is the new feature in the history view that adds the "Date Added" column to the change set history view. See

Is this the date the changeset has been delivered to the stream? If so why isn't it called "Delivery Date" or so?

Thank you


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 14 '14, 5:25 a.m.
Probably because delivery is not the only way that is shown in this context. If I check in a change set that is the date I added this to the repository workspace. I haven't looked at all the scenarios, but deliver date does not seem to be an appropriate name.
Marko Tomljenovic selected this answer as the correct answer

Marko Tomljenovic commented Oct 14 '14, 5:36 a.m.

You are right Ralph. I missed the other use cases.

Thank you

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