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New Workspace Configuration

Michael Oyebola (31114) | asked Jun 29 '16, 1:06 p.m.
edited Jun 29 '16, 4:16 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
We want to introduce a naming convention for all users when creating a personal workspace from a stream. To configure this, I went to the Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Source Control and click New Workspace Configuration. I added the two following line to help new users to automatically have a better naming convention but i wasn't able to get it to work. Any suggestions?

    <configuration-data id="">
    <stream-name id="${stream-name}"/>
    <user-name id="${user-id}"/>

Default name when creating a new repository workspace from a stream should be "SWC_IM_Dev michael Workspace"

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Jun 29 '16, 4:27 p.m.
I do not understand the issue. When I tried it worked for me as shown in the screenshot below.
For the "Name Pattern", I put "SWC_IM_DEV ${user-id} Workspace"
Can you describe in more detail what is 'not' working for you? Can you double check you made the appropriate changes and saved the Project Area editor, and also that the stream you creating a workspace from is actually owned by the Project Area?

Michael Oyebola selected this answer as the correct answer

Michael Oyebola commented Jun 29 '16, 4:47 p.m.

I was using a mac book with RTC client V5.0.2 which has a different presentation from a window machine RTC client V 6.0.1. I was able to resolve the issue by using a window machine to set the "Name Pattern and Default visibility"

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