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add feed subscription to private group

enzo zuk (12693) | asked Sep 04 '09, 10:29 a.m.
i have created a private gruop on FriendFeed and i'm in the need for adding this subscription to rtc2.0 client...

this group url is accessible only for FriendFeed logged in user, so if i add the relative subscription to Feed subscription in rtc, no one news is showed...

any hints?

7 answers

permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Sep 07 '09, 3:48 a.m.
zuk wrote:
i have created a private gruop on FriendFeed and i'm in the need for
adding this subscription to rtc2.0 client...

this group url is accessible only for FriendFeed logged in user, so if
i add the relative subscription to Feed subscription in rtc, no one
news is showed...

any hints?

If you try to use a relative link it wont work, you need to use the full
URL. If the feed is only supporting form based authentication then
things are getting difficult. Did you try loading the feed by specifying
username and password in the feed configuration dialog?

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

permanent link
enzo zuk (12693) | answered Sep 07 '09, 9:00 a.m.
i use full url ( for this feed in Link textbox (in feed properties box)
it is protected by HTTP Basic Auth, and i put my user and my friendfeed remotekey in autentication fields (in feed properties box)...

i have tried to modify the url, changing the link from to but nothing it's happened

permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Sep 07 '09, 9:18 a.m.
zuk wrote:
i use full url ( for
this feed in Link textbox (in feed properties box)
it is protected by HTTP Basic Auth, and i put my user and my
friendfeed remotekey in autentication fields (in feed properties

i have tried to modify the url, changing the link from to
but nothing it's happened

Can you open this line in Firefox and check the URL you see in the
browser bar after you have authenticated. Can you try this exact same

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

permanent link
enzo zuk (12693) | answered Sep 08 '09, 4:49 a.m.
that is what i do.
the url not change after the auth, is

permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Sep 08 '09, 6:58 a.m.
zuk wrote:
that is what i do.
the url not change after the auth, is

Can you send me username and password so that I can try to subscribe?
Its ok via E-Mail.

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

permanent link
enzo zuk (12693) | answered Sep 18 '09, 1:12 p.m.
dear Mr. Pasero,
for bypass the auth problem relatively to rtc reader i think of create a new feed editor and show this in a view, maybe repeating the same look of the original reader (that is, right?) and changing the input (my list of items relatively to my private feed, achieved form friendfeed restful api, instead of NewsItem instances)...

is this idea applicable with a reasonable effort?
what are the classes involved?
do you advice me to create my feed editor starting from 0?


permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Sep 21 '09, 8:37 a.m.
zuk wrote:
dear Mr. Pasero,
for bypass the auth problem relatively to rtc reader i think of create
a new feed editor and show this in a view, maybe repeating the same
look of the original reader (that is, right?) and
changing the input (my list of items relatively to my private feed,
achieved form friendfeed restful api, instead of NewsItem

is this idea applicable with a reasonable effort?
what are the classes involved?
do you advice me to create my feed editor starting from 0?


I dont think this makes much sense. The problem is not the feed editor,
its in the feed.core where authentications of these kind is not
supported. I would first ask the authors of these feeds if there is a
way to access it via basic authentication before rewriting this from
scratch. If they are not providing access via basic authentication then
they basically prevent any feed-reader (except the browser based ones)
from access, and I doubt thats their intent.

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

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