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How to recreate a stream from build result which was created from Clearcase synchroniser ?

Vidhya Prakash (853133) | asked May 26 '14, 7:09 a.m.
I have migrated a source code from Rational ClearCase to RTC using the CC Synchroniser . The code was migrated successfully . But then when the project team member was trying to validate the code in RTC source control they have replaced the stream with no code (i mean all contents are lost now).

I tried to recreate a stream or a workspace using the build result that was created during the migration. But when doing so it gives me an error saying "you cannot create a stream from the selected build because the build does not contain snapshot"

RTC Client : v4.0.5
RTC server: v4.0.5

How do I get this content back in the stream? OR Should I redo the migration again?


sam detweiler commented May 26 '14, 7:35 a.m.

check to see if someone made the component owned by a specific user and not the project area..   had this happen to me.  migrated 300 workspaces, only to have no content.

changed the component owner and poof, everything was there again

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 26 '14, 7:24 a.m.

the components should not be lost. In fact they should be available for adding to a stream. Then the components should contain the latest versions of the files. You should be easily able to just create a new stream and pick the components you want.

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