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How to edit User Profile info in RTC When the User name is read only?

Aparna Sukumaran (333760) | asked Jan 11 '17, 3:09 p.m.
edited Jan 11 '17, 3:21 p.m.

How to edit User Profile info in RTC When the User name is read only? in RTC 5.0.2. I want to use my short name in RTC.  I see option to Change with a Change button but the settings says read only.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 11 '17, 9:52 p.m.

When you are at the user profile page, do you see this message near the top of the page?

Because this server is connected to an external user registry, some user details including User ID, E-Mail Address, and Repository Permissions are read-only. To modify these read-only details, you must make the changes in the external user registry.
If so, as indicated, you need to ask the administrator of the external user registry (LDAP, WebSphere federated user registry, and etc) to change it.

With RTC 5.0.2, it is only possible to change the name there when using the builtin Tomcat User Management.

Aparna Sukumaran commented Jan 12 '17, 6:42 p.m.

 I see option to Change name and a Select Name window opens only for few users as I'm a Jazzadmin.
     I don't see this option enabled for most of the users. How these values are populated?

Donald Nong commented Jan 12 '17, 9:08 p.m.

Not exactly sure what you're talking about. Do you have any screenshots showing this?

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