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How do you query for the results of an RRC view via the REST API?

Jaxsun McCarthy Huggan (111) | asked Aug 08 '13, 8:46 p.m.
I am attempting the query for the requirements contained in the results of a view defined on the RRC 4.x server. I can find no documentation how this might be done via rm:views, rm:viewResults, or rm:calmFilter and the existing documentation for OSLC queries ( does not mention querying for the results of a view defined on the RRC server or handling views at all.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Rene Meyer commented Jan 29 '14, 8:16 a.m.

Hello Jaxsun,
did you find a solution for your question? I would like to export a RRC view via REST/OSLC to a CSV.
Best Regards,

2 answers

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Rene Meyer (42913334) | answered Jan 30 '14, 3:02 a.m.
in the Wiki there is a description on how to get on the results of a view visa REST. My example URL looks like this and gives me all view result records as xml:
PA: JKE RRC Example
Viewname: All terms
You need to know the projectURI and the viewName or the viewURI.
Best Regards,

Jaxsun McCarthy Huggan commented Jul 11 '14, 4:31 p.m.

Hello Rene,

Thank you for your answer (and sorry for the months late reply).
Though what you've done solves your issue I was looking for a way to do this via the OSLC API, not the Reporting API.


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Jin Zhou (591619) | answered Aug 09 '13, 3:09 a.m.
Unfortunately, I also couldn't find any good samples for you.

Not directly related to RRC, I can only find below links for DM, probably could give you some hints.

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