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How can i make all projects horizontal from page of "ALL display project page" in to Doors next generation

Saumya Gupta (29535) | asked Jan 06 '17, 5:38 a.m.
When i enter link for dng : https://hostname:9443/rm/web 
then first page open which show all project list of dng in vertical.
What i want 
1. i want to make it custom mean want to show all project horizontally
2. User only can see project list in which they have access
3. I want to make different tab to divide projects like one tab for archive project then other tab which show all projects in which i have access.

Please help as soon as possible

Best regards

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 06 '17, 5:50 a.m.
edited Jan 06 '17, 5:51 a.m.
1 - You can not customize DNG to that extent for all I know.
2 - Can be achieved by using the Access Control Policy of a project area.

Saumya Gupta commented Jan 06 '17, 8:28 a.m.

 Can you please tell me how i can add some tabs in DNG as like ccm

 so that i can put different  projects into different tab

How can i keep all the projects horizontally which are visible in page of dng
 "All Project "  page which visible after just login 

Please suggest me.if  there any role of css or html

Thanks a lot!!

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