Is there a public schema or API to extract Rational Doors Next Generation data

2 answers


We are not so much wanting to update the database as to just query it to find data inconsistencies. I was going to build views, export them, import them into a database and then query to find bad links, duplicate attributes, etc. But then I thought if the back-end was easy enough to query, I could just do that directly. But, as most COTS systems are proprietary, it may be more complicated and take longer to figure out the schema. I need to contact IBM support regarding other issues anyway.


No, not really. The answer below is what I seemed to consistently get. There does appear to be a REST API that will let you pull back data but I didn't have the time to figure out how it worked. Unfortunately for me, I didn't have access to the backend Oracle database to look around on my own. I don't believe any of the DB is publicly documented but if you have visibility into the database (can connect to it through SQL tools), you might be able to see the structure and figure out how it works. That wasn't an option for me as a different group manages the database and I do not have access.
It is my understanding that the database is not traditionally relational and that is why they don't expose it.
Good Luck,