Link Fails in RTC Task Work Item with "Does not exists or is not accessible with you credentials" error.

The customer is trying to reference a document within the Work Item Description of an RTC Task. They are using the "Insert/Edit External Link" icon and entering a location within a share that contains the document. Therefore the link looks something like : \\nw\project_test\team_a\task_list.txt". They add a name to it (i.e. "Test") and the link is saved. When they try and execute the link, they get a failure:
Accepted answer


Thanks Ralph. So I assume that the only way to do this would be to include that document as an attachment but that would mean multiple attachments as that document changes. The reason this was being done, this document contained a list of members of a project. As more members were being added they would add them to this document and hi-light the names. I would then be told that more members were being added, I would check the document and add the new hi-lighted members and then update the document (un hi-light them). This way there is one consistent list of all of the members. Is there any way to do this without using an attachment in RTC?

No, you can refer to objects such as documents e.g. using links, however, it must be a valid URI/URL link. Like in real life, the address given needs to be a valid one. E.g. Santa Claus - South Pole won't get a letter delivered (I think).
The link you guys use is INVALID so RTC apparently adds some information. I would prefer it would just take your link and tell you it does not work and not create a hyperlink. However unfortunately it does.
If you create a related artifacts link or paste a valid URL/URI (See ) all works well.

Thanks again. Yes, I would prefer that it not try and fix my entry and tack on a URL but instead tell me its the wrong format. It accepts the link and you think all is good until you actually try the link.
I appreciate the feedback.