How to get Test suite assocuated testcases, execution records, current verdict and Test Results using RPE
Am trying to generate the report like it should contain Test Suite, associated Test Case, test case's test execution record, current verdict and test result using RPE. I have used Testsuitelog API but not getting the testcase details.
Can you please help me on this as how to achieve this using RPE.
One answer
You can start with testcase feed url (that lists all testcases), filter by /testsuite/@href to get test cases in the suite. You need to use Data Source Configuration element in RPE for each resource type. Similarly, you should get execution result with status.
Hi Prasad,
Am able to get the testsuite but when i used DSC for tescases not getting desired output.
This is what i did,
Created two schemas 1. Testsuite 2. Testcases.
Build the URI for Testcases using filters but not getting expected output.
Can you please let me know what would be the causes?
Note that if you have set the data source schema type (while adding the schema) as "Generic XML", you need to append the fields which need to be retrieved to the URL. This is not needed if the type is set to "REST" as RPE will construct the request URL with all fields used in the template.
Hi Prasad,
Thanks for the help. I was used Genric XML as schema.Now changed to REST and am able to get the test suite and associated testcases perfectly however am not able to get the testcase execution records. Could you please let me know which query and property should be used to get test case execution record, current result and test case results. Am not able to identify the exact query for this. thanks a lot again.