RQMExcelImporter time out loading Requirements
RQMExcelImporter Version:
RQM -4.0
RRC - 4.0
I am using the RQMExcelImporter to load test cases in to QM and use the 'Link to Existing Requirement' check box to link the test cases to Requirements in RRC.
Currently we have about 1700 requirements in RRC.
Previously, I had success with this approach and could link the Test Cases to Requirements while uploading. All the Available Requirement numbers would get pulled out in to a ExcelImporter Dialog box and I could map the test case to requirement before hitting the upload.
But off late, I havent had success with this approach. I observed that the number of requirements were about 600-700 when I had succcess. But since the requirements number has grown to 1700, the RQM Excel Importer TIMES OUT pulling the requirement numbers.
Can some one suggest a work around for this issue?
3 answers
Hi Suresh,
would you try to enlarge the
would you try to enlarge the
@Hao... That value is set to 300000. Which is 5 minutes. But we get the time out error even before the 5 minutes. Is there any other config setting we need to look in to for fetching more requirements from RRC via the ExcelImporter utility?
Please advice.
For tracking purpose, there are currently 3 open forum questions on this topics :
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/108603/is-there-a-limit-on-the-number-of-results-requirements-that-can-be-fetched-from-rrc
- (this one) https://jazz.net/forum/questions/103937/rqmexcelimporter-time-out-loading-requirements
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/102314/rqmexcelwordimporter-exception-when-get-from-rm-server-the-operation-has-timed-out
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/108603/is-there-a-limit-on-the-number-of-results-requirements-that-can-be-fetched-from-rrc
- (this one) https://jazz.net/forum/questions/103937/rqmexcelimporter-time-out-loading-requirements
- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/102314/rqmexcelwordimporter-exception-when-get-from-rm-server-the-operation-has-timed-out
It has been identified that this is a limitation of RM OSLC REST API as
there is, in fact, no timeout option provided by the RM server when
querying the requirement url.
An enhancement request has been submitted to use pagination:
there is, in fact, no timeout option provided by the RM server when
querying the requirement url.
An enhancement request has been submitted to use pagination:
Chenyue Gao
JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 26 '13, 2:29 p.m.Forwarding this question to the developer of this tool and waiting for his response.