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How can I get a Performance/Sizing/Tuning Workshop for CLM scheduled?

Sue Nikel (2319) | asked Nov 30 '16, 4:44 p.m.
I would like to schedule a workshop to review my current environment/servers  (CPUs, memeory, JVM settings, Indices sizes, network, etc) and understand if any changes should be made based on IBM best practices.

Who at IBM can contact me?

We are on CLM 6.0.1 ifix 006 and  using Tasktop. We are thinking of moving to CLM 6.0.3 .

2 answers

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Steven Beard (112) | answered Dec 21 '16, 8:52 a.m.
Hello Sue,

I'm the Technical Lead for Deployment for the Jazz products.

Please send me an email directly: to outline how we can help.

Best Regards,


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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered Dec 07 '16, 12:52 a.m.
Do you have an IBM sales contact point? I think asking them might be the best way to organize that. Otherwise you should be able to request an estimate via the IBM website in your geography by going to and selecting Business Services and then clicking Contact IBM.

This has general contact details:

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