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QM application is shown as undefined on JTS Main Page

Ahmed Ahmed (48832) | asked Nov 16 '16, 9:11 a.m.

I have configured CLM 6.0.2 with oracle database on distributed environment with reverse proxy technique. All the applications are installed using liberty profile. All the applications (CCM,QM and RM) are installed and configured successfully. When i go to the JTS main page (https://FQDN/jts/dmin) , i see that under Manage Application Artifacts the QM application is shown as undefined. However, when i see the applications by clicking on the Home button of the JTS main page, all the applications are displaying correctly and i didn't see undefined under QM application.Similarly, when i access the QM application by using the URL (https://FQDN/qm/web) it is also working fine.

Kindly guide me how i can resolve the undefined issue for QM on JTS main page.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 16 '16, 10:40 p.m.
Check jts.log and see if JTS has difficulties with accessing /qm/scr. If true, you should investigate further depending on what is the exact stack trace following the error. If you need further assistance, please contact Support.

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