Is there a way to copy the process configuration from one RTC server to another?

One answer


Thank you for your response. I'm particular interested in replicating the process configuration on another test server vs. the process template. My understanding is that the process configuration is separate from the process template (and the process template does not include the process configuration. Is that a correct statement? If so, is there a way to export the process configuration? I seem to recall that there used to be a method in eclipse to right click on the process configuration source and there was an export, but that option seems to be no longer available in 5.0.2 -- 6.0.2.

The process template contains everything you see in the Process Configuration tab of the project area in the Eclipse process editor, as well as the Attachments section of the Links tab. What you don't get is the other tabs ... Overview, Access Control, Categories, Releases. When you create a process template, it is a "current snapshot" of this information. The process configuration source is a subset of what is in the process template (the main thing it doesn't have is the attachments). If you want to create a copy of the process configuration source, you don't need a special operation ... just select all the text in the process configuration source tab, and copy it.