Issues running the RTC Extensions Workshop
I have downloaded feature based launches file & have also followed the steps mentioned in the IBM Rational Team Concert4.x Extensibility.pdf file. I have also changed the jdk path of RTC Eclipse Client & Jetty RTC server in the Debug Configuration as it was showing the incompatibility issue of client and server(Client 5.0.2 & Server 4.0.1) but now when I am trying to run my client through Run Configuration then it's showing me following error ---
18:07:02,844 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 54)] INFO nternal.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration -
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18:07:02,844 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 54)] INFO nternal.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration - CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:/C:/Users/A622734/My Data/SSC Project/RTC401DevV3/RTC401DevV3/workspaces/Dev1/WS/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/[RTCExt] Jetty RTC Server/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/173/data/".
18:07:47,057 [Worker-0] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.model.WebBundleDependency - A dependency on "" could not be resolved
18:07:55,689 [Worker-0] WARN net.jazz.ajax.model.JavaScriptModule - Unable to resolve URL: dijit/themes/tundra/images/buttonActive.png in dojox.form.FileUploader
18:07:58,662 [Worker-0] WARN net.jazz.ajax/WebBundleScanner - has an unresolved dependency on
please help....
One answer
There is no way to answer the question, because there is basically no reference to any dedicated step in the workshop. You say you launch a client, but you run a server.
If you run the server, there are a number of errors and warnings coming up, so the message above does not necessarily mean the server does not work.
If you run the server, there are a number of errors and warnings coming up, so the message above does not necessarily mean the server does not work.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 11 '16, 8:33 a.m.Next time, instead of trying to hijack another, already answered question, write your own question.