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How to Import Work Items in RTC from an existing csv file through a Java program?

Querier Q (113) | asked Nov 08 '16, 3:59 a.m.
  Hi, I have a requirement of Importing Work Items from an existing .csv file programatically using Java, instead of using 'File-->Import-->Work Items from CSV' option in eclipse.

I have .csv file with me and I tried to login to RTC using JAVA API for the same but could not find something for Importing Work Items from an existing csv file. How can I proceed with this?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 09 '16, 2:37 a.m.
You either look into remote controlling a headless RTC Eclipse client e.g. using the class as entry point how the import is used, or you create a custom importer (see as an example for such a thing). 

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