Accessing RTC Timesheet Reports tables?

2 answers

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Hi Anand, thanks for you response. Unfortunately this is not what we're looking for. We are looking for a db2 web query solution. We are able to use the ODS and CALM schema(RTC schema), which was able to help us produce a report similar to this but sometimes returned partially inaccurate data about time spent on work items during the day which isn't good enough. Thanks for your help anyways.

FYI: the inaccuracies were for only a very few work items but we expect 100% correctness.

We found the TIMESHEET table in the ODS schema but it was missing entries when compared to the actual RTC generated report. We also found this out from the TIMESHEET_LIVE_SNAPSHOT and WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT snapshots found on the reports using the Birt tool.


Hi Luis, could you please clarify what schemas/views/tables are to be replaced by placeholders MODEL,LINKS,SOURCE.etc. If possible can you provide me with the statement using default schema/views and tables, that'll be great as its quite possible that the data warehouse used by RTC is using the defaults. Sorry to be a pain, but in future posts directed towards me can you please use descriptive comments for code,queries as it helps and its also good practice.

Sure Alexander, basically the schema "LINKS" with table "AUDITABLE_LINK" has the reference for both the work item (column "SOURCE_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D") and the timesheet entry (column "TARGET_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D"). Notice one column is "target" and the other is "source".

Relationships on a "join" operation are described by "SELECT * FROM [table1] JOIN [table2] ON [table1.column]=[table2.column];", this means that table1.column has a reference to table2.column. In the sample query I made, "ON LINKS2.TARGET_REF_REFERENCED_ITM_TM_D=ENTRIES.ITEM_ID" means " is referenced in entries.ITEM_ID", so the value for the target column is the same as the entries' item_id column.

Thanks Luis, this is very useful. I'll be trying it out tomorrow morning (UK time). Thanks for all your help. i'll let you know if i get stuck.