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Unable to update field ‘Team Area’ while exporting test case into RQM using RQMExcelImporter tool

Deepak Sharma (1511) | asked Oct 14 '16, 12:01 a.m.
 we were unable to update field ‘Team Area’ while exporting test case into RQM using RQMExcelImporter tool IBM Excel tool.

 We tried following keywords eg. in cfg file while exporting to RQM repository.

testcase.teamarea=”XYZ – Firmware”

testcase.qm:teamarea=”XYZ – Firmware”

testcase.dc:teamarea=”XYZ – Firmware”

 We’re using RQMExcelImporter Version

Can you please help me here.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Oct 14 '16, 2:27 a.m.
Hi, Deepak

Although there is no reference of team area keyword for ExcelImporter, the below post suggests it is doable:

you may give it a try.

Deepak Sharma commented Oct 14 '16, 3:29 a.m.

 Thanks Don Yang for the answer,

Should i try something like

I've tried with actual URL link to team area in above but doesn;t seems to be working.

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