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How to use WC_String_Ext table in BIRT to get historic data on custom attribute?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Oct 10 '16, 4:28 p.m.
edited Oct 10 '16, 4:44 p.m.

I want to make a report on historic changes on a custom attribute of a workitem.
I may have to use the "WC_STRING_EXT" but I can not understand it. I filter the "KEY" to my attribute id,  but I keep seein the same value.

The DW says that there should be a PREV_VAL column but I can not see it on the table.
I'm using BIRT and RTC 4.0.6

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 10 '16, 8:34 p.m.
Are you referring to this post?

You need to join the Workitem_Chngs table to get what you want. Note the definition of the second column of the Wc_Type_Ext table.

Wc_Factid Long The Workitem_Chngs fact representing the work item state. A reference to the Workitem_Chngs table

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