RQM CLI Adapter - Multiple Sessions
Hi All, Am trying to open two RQM CLI adapter sessions on a single windows machine. Like below
1. Remote Desktop session-1 am able to launch RQM CLI adapter successfully. Am able to see rqm-cli adapter status is green in RQM.
2. Parallelly opened Remote Desktop session-2 on same windows machine with different user-id. Trying to launch another CLI adapter. its launches successfully and I can see new cli adapter status is green.
The issue is Session-1 RQM-CLI adapter went offline.
Is it possible to run multiple RQM CLI adapter in same machine?
One answer
Thankyou Donald.
We are using Windows 2008 server with multiple session license. Today again i tried like below..
From Remote Desktop session-1 ===> i launched RQM CLI adapter and am able to see rqm-cli adapter status is green in RQM.
- Parallelly from Remote Desktop session-2 ===> i launched RQM CLI adapter and am able to see rqm-cli adapter status is green in RQM. but Remote Desktop session-1 adapter status shows red which means its in offline.
I can only guess that the second session somehow kills the first session but can't be sure without knowing your exact configuration. What I can confirm is that you can run as many adapters on the same machine as you like, regardless which user executes them, so long as each adapter has its own folder (this is important). The below screenshot shows three adapters on the same machine, with number 2 and 3 run by the same user and number 4 by another.