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Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Standard Edition Multiplatform for Jira V 7

Dennis Gugel (2125) | asked Sep 23 '16, 11:20 a.m.
edited Oct 20 '16, 7:25 a.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)
Hi everyone,

i downloaded Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Standard Edition Multiplatform to connect RTC / RQM (5.0.2) and Jira V7.

For the Integration i need to enter the Rational Adapter Home page in Jira and define RQM / RTC as friend but i just shows some XML code with HTTP-Status 500.

Like it is decribed here there were some patch changes made by atlassian Jira in Version 7 so that the Adapter doesn't work anymore.

Has anyone experience with that?

Kind Regards

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