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RTC Java Api Remove Build Engine from Build Definition

I try to remove BuildEngine from BuildDefinition and it doesn't work!
My code:
String id = someBuildEngineId;
IBuildDefinition buildDefinition = someBuildDefinition;
IBuildEngine be = client.getBuildEngine(id, monitor)
IBuildEngine workingCopy = (IBuildEngine) be.getWorkingCopy();
client.save(workingCopy, monitor);
If I use following add, it's work fine:
The following code return false:
I am very confuse...
Someone have an idea?
Thanks in advance.
3 answers

Contains() is a java object list method..
getSupportedBuildDefinitions() returns a list of HANDLES.(IBuildDefinitionHandle). not objects (IBuildDefinition)
but then you asked does this IBuildDefinition (object address, NOT HANDLE), exist in the list of HANDLES..(IBuildDefinitionHandle) and it does not..

String id = someBuildEngineId;
IBuildDefinition buildDefinition = someBuildDefinition;
IBuildEngine be = client.getBuildEngine(id, monitor)
IBuildEngine workingCopy = (IBuildEngine) be.getWorkingCopy();
List buildDefinitionHandles = workingCopy .getSupportedBuildDefinitions();
for (int j = 0; j < buildDefinitionHandles.size(); j++) {
IBuildDefinitionHandle handle = (IBuildDefinitionHandle) buildDefinitionHandles.get(j);
if (buildDefinition .getItemId().getUuidValue().equals(buildDefinitionHandle.getItemId().getUuidValue())) {
client.save(workingCopy, monitor);
Sridevi Sangaiah
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 12 '16, 12:03 a.m.If "workingCopy.getSupportedBuildDefinitions().contains(buildDefinition)" returns false then there is a possibility that the build definition is not supported by the build engine.
Can you please confirm from the UI that when you add a build definition, in your code, it gets added to the build engine and then when you programatically remove the build definition it is not removed?
Gérard Langevin
Sep 12 '16, 9:46 a.m.Hello Sridevi,
Thanks for your quick response. I can confirm from UI that I can add new Build Engine X but I can't remove them.
I use artifact com.ibm.team.build.common:3.1.400.v20130415_0257
Thanks a lot it's very appreciate it.