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Searching for locked files by a contributor using RTC API

Hi guys
I'm having performance issues while looking for attributes of files using the code below. It takes me approx 70 sec to retrieve information from 2000 files. Is there any other way offered by RTC api to look up for this type of information??
Thanks Patria
ILockSearchResult locks = workspaceManager.findLocks(criteria, IWorkspaceManager.MAX_QUERY_SIZE, null);
Collection<IStreamLockReport> reports = locks.getReports();
IProgressMonitor monitor = new LoggerProgressMonitor();
LockAttribute lockAttribute = new LockAttribute(false,"");
for (IStreamLockReport report : reports) {
Collection<IComponentLockReport> componentLocks = report.getComponentLocks();
for (IComponentLockReport componentLock : componentLocks) {
Collection<IVersionableLock> locks1 = componentLock.getLocks();
if (!locks1.isEmpty()) {
for (IVersionableLock iVersionableLock : locks1) {
IContributor contributor = (IContributor) repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(iVersionableLock.getContributor(), ItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
lockAttribute = new LockAttribute(true, contributor.getName());
} else {
IComponent component = (IComponent) repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(componentLock.getComponent(), ItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("no lock for component " + component.getName());
return lockAttribute;