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Rolling up Story Points

nannette Mori (50984) | asked Sep 04 '16, 10:32 a.m.

Request - Add story point field to Test Story work item and have story points roll up to the parent.  However they also want to link child work items (ET) to Test Story and have the story points from the child work Items to roll up to the test story work items.

Problem:  The story points roll up from the child work item(ET) to the Test Story but Test Story has the Story Point Attribute also since they want Test Story to roll up to a upper level work item.  So when the points are rolled up from the ET Task to the Test Story it rolls up the story points from the Eng task and the story points that are in the Test Story also.  However I have to have the story points attribute in Test Story because they want the story points from test story to roll up to an upper level work item (Capability, Feature, ETC). 

Goal: Is there anyway you can have the ET story points roll up to the test story without it adding the story points that are in the Test story to the roll up total?

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