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How to get the reviews where a module is used "Where Used/In Review" using the DNG REST API)?

Pierre Bentkowski (106517) | asked Aug 26 '16, 9:30 a.m.

Using the DNG REST API in RPE, I would like to get access to a particular review, without knowing the resourceURI beforehand.

From documentation:
Returns the review resources that are on the server. You can use this namespace with the resourceURI filters only.
From a module, I can access the Reviews listed on the right panel.
i would like to get access to the list of reviews using the REST API.
From there I would be able to get the correct one.

Currently I cannot find that info in the links, collaborations, etc of the modules or resources results.

Is there any way that information can be access?


June Boston commented Jan 17 '17, 1:07 p.m.

 This is an important question.  Did you ever find an answer?

I hope that Reviews will be collected with DCC soon, they're a useful tool but searching/reporting on them is a real pain right now.

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