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Plan - Kanban view column widths

Gábor Szabó (132) | asked Aug 26 '16, 7:44 a.m.
Does anybody know a way how you could set the column width for the different states in the Kanban view? (Just like in other view types)
Currently each column gets the same width (based on the number of states) but we would like to permanently change those to get a better view for the state where roughly ten times more work items are than in the other one.
I can change temporarily it but if I reload the plan my setup disappears and it reloads the default widths.
Thank you in advance,

Accepted answer

permanent link
Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Aug 26 '16, 5:38 p.m.
Hi Gábor,

This is currently not possible for Kanban and Taskboard views. There is an existent defect about this. Please monitor the following work item:
Gábor Szabó selected this answer as the correct answer

Gábor Szabó commented Sep 14 '16, 8:03 a.m.

Thank you Alexandre!

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