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How to add 'Pending Approvals for me' to My Stuff

Danny Beerens (801928) | asked Aug 26 '16, 4:54 a.m.
retagged Aug 03 '18, 6:09 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

 My end-users are liking 'My Stuff' in RTC 6.x more and more.
They'd like to have a separate report that shows all 'Pending Approvals for me' over all projects in their 'My Stuff' page.

Can this be done?
If so, how?

I've tried building a report in the Report Server, but it doesn't give access to the Approval attributes.

2 answers

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vikrant kamble (1323897) | answered Aug 02 '18, 7:24 a.m.

 It is highly doubtful if My Stuff view in RTC would allow you to do customizations such as adding column, running complex filters and so on. Below link would give you idea about the features offered by My Stuff view but I have not been able to find any link which would guide users on customizing it apart from running simple filters.

Please share your findings as well if you think you have found something which would help other users 

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Feb 07 '19, 2:44 p.m.
edited Feb 07 '19, 2:45 p.m.

Hello Danny,

at least in Report Builder it' possible. At least with 606.

I can send you an example report. Please give me note per mail if interest. You should have my address.

(Maybe I may share it on in Github.)


Guido Schneider

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