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Format of LDAP Server "Group Member Property"

Robin Bobbitt (59679) | asked Aug 20 '09, 11:13 p.m.
I'm trying to configure my jazz server to use Apache Directory Server. I believe I've gotten to the point where, when I try to log into the Jazz server, the user id authenticates successfully, but then it appears that the user is not part of any Jazz groups. I suspect that I'm not properly setting the "Group Member Property". The attribute used to identify members is "uniquemember", and the value is e.g. "uid=jsmith". This would lead me to believe that the Group Member Property needs to be "uniquemember=uid", such that the resulting property in is:\=uid\={USER-DN}
I suspect I'm wrong here though, given that all the examples in the doc indicate that I should just be specifying "uniquemember" for Group Member Property, and when I try to test the connection with "uniquemember=uid" I get a warning that no such attribute exists. Just using "uniquemember" passes the connection test, but then doesn't work. Ideally I would just turn on logging in and see what query is being used against my ldap server, but I'm not having any luck turning on DEBUG either. Setting to DEBUG doesn't give me any ldap-related entries in the log. Nor does setting log4j.rootLogger to DEBUG.

I am using build rtc.200x.integration I20090814-1409.

Any suggestions for what to try next would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

3 answers

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Aug 21 '09, 4:08 p.m.

Unfortunately there is no easy to fix your issue. We are assuming that the membership information would be collected using the following format :

uniquemember: {dn of the user}

For e..g uniquemember: uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=jazz,dc=net

This problem is described in

I believe you are using a simple objectclass like groupOfNames / groupOfUniqueNames. In these schemas, the uniquemember property can take any text. To get around this problem, you need to have 2 entries in LDAP group.

uniquemember: jsmith
uniquemember: uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=jazz,dc=net

--- Balaji
Jazz Server Team

I'm trying to configure my jazz server to use Apache Directory Server. I believe I've gotten to the point where, when I try to log into the Jazz server, the user id authenticates successfully, but then it appears that the user is not part of any Jazz groups. I suspect that I'm not properly setting the "Group Member Property". The attribute used to identify members is "uniquemember", and the value is e.g. "uid=jsmith". This would lead me to believe that the Group Member Property needs to be "uniquemember=uid", such that the resulting property in is:\=uid\={USER-DN}
I suspect I'm wrong here though, given that all the examples in the doc indicate that I should just be specifying "uniquemember" for Group Member Property, and when I try to test the connection with "uniquemember=uid" I get a warning that no such attribute exists. Just using "uniquemember" passes the connection test, but then doesn't work. Ideally I would just turn on logging in and see what query is being used against my ldap server, but I'm not having any luck turning on DEBUG either. Setting to DEBUG doesn't give me any ldap-related entries in the log. Nor does setting log4j.rootLogger to DEBUG.

I am using build rtc.200x.integration I20090814-1409.

Any suggestions for what to try next would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Aug 25 '09, 10:57 a.m.
We added support for fetching the groups of a user using their user id.

We now support 2 formats :

where member and memberuid are attributes in LDAP to represent the membership

--- Balaji


Unfortunately there is no easy to fix your issue. We are assuming that the membership information would be collected using the following format :

uniquemember: {dn of the user}

For e..g uniquemember: uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=jazz,dc=net

This problem is described in

I believe you are using a simple objectclass like groupOfNames / groupOfUniqueNames. In these schemas, the uniquemember property can take any text. To get around this problem, you need to have 2 entries in LDAP group.

uniquemember: jsmith
uniquemember: uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=jazz,dc=net

--- Balaji
Jazz Server Team

I'm trying to configure my jazz server to use Apache Directory Server. I believe I've gotten to the point where, when I try to log into the Jazz server, the user id authenticates successfully, but then it appears that the user is not part of any Jazz groups. I suspect that I'm not properly setting the "Group Member Property". The attribute used to identify members is "uniquemember", and the value is e.g. "uid=jsmith". This would lead me to believe that the Group Member Property needs to be "uniquemember=uid", such that the resulting property in is:\=uid\={USER-DN}
I suspect I'm wrong here though, given that all the examples in the doc indicate that I should just be specifying "uniquemember" for Group Member Property, and when I try to test the connection with "uniquemember=uid" I get a warning that no such attribute exists. Just using "uniquemember" passes the connection test, but then doesn't work. Ideally I would just turn on logging in and see what query is being used against my ldap server, but I'm not having any luck turning on DEBUG either. Setting to DEBUG doesn't give me any ldap-related entries in the log. Nor does setting log4j.rootLogger to DEBUG.

I am using build rtc.200x.integration I20090814-1409.

Any suggestions for what to try next would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Lakshmi Sunanda T (6) | answered Sep 10 '09, 3:28 a.m.

It is not very clear to me how can i configure the LDAP settings in Rational Team Concert if i have the different domains located in different geographical locations.
I.e i have team members in Germany, NA and India and i have to configure LDAP for all these domain users, where the LDAP for all these locations are different. Please give a hint how can i configure.

Thank you

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